Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pimp my blog!

Right now I am feeling all generous and such.. Since a lot of you guys asked about designing and editing your layout, I'll lend you a hand on that. You can select a variety of different templates (design that you can choose and apply to your blog). You can browse em' over these sites; Blogcrowd, Blogger Templates and Mashable. A wide range of templates are available over the net and you can easily find them by Google-ing appropriate key word such as 'blog', 'design', 'layout', 'template'. These templates will provide you with some html coding. You need to copy the and paste it over here!

Figure 1.1 Edit HTML your layout!

To really customize your blog like what I did here, in our class blog, you should explore and learn some basic html. It's a bit advanced however by reading several tutorials from the net, you wouldn't have much problem with that (along with determination of course! =p). Alternatively, you can watch and learn from the videos I've provided under the Blogger Help. Where? Look at the sidebar our our class blog.

Next in line...

Well hello everyone.. How's your weekends and stuffs? Enjoying yourselves I hope =D I am currently a bit busy but still.. I am gonna hand in your next task anyway.. hehehe something to spoil your weekends a bit. =P

I want you, yes, each and everyone of you to read this article (click here) and then write an entry in your blog. The entry should be your response on the article and as usual, I am not limiting you in any way. Be creative, and for those who went through personal blogger tutorial with me, use all the skills I've taught you back then.

And please.. if you know any of your friends who have not registered their blog yet, assist them in doing so. It would be much appreciated.